1kz Te Cylinder Head Crack Test
I went to change the glow plugs in my lux tonight and noticed what looked like coolant pooled around my 4th glow plug, the exposed threads looked a little corroded too. I had been told by Toyota a while back that they had detected a fault in one of my cylinders, and they suspected it might be cracked. Not long after that I went to another mechanic for a chat and he reckoned if it was cracked it would spew coolant when you pop the cap off the radiator when it's hot - it doesn't. How To Install Language Pack Motorola V3688.
Hilux 4x4 Forum. Hilux 4x4 Enthusiast. We're busy attempting a cylinder-head replacement on our 1KZ-TE. Theory on why these engines crack heads is quite simple.
Also had my buggered radiator replaced by a specialist, who ran a pressure test when he replaced it and said it seemed fine. It's getting progressively more difficult to start though on cold mornings, I know one of the plugs has dragged the others down, but seeing this has got me worried. It doesn't blow any white smoke ( that I've noticed), doesn't lose coolant at a great rate of knots, and the oil and water are fine (not milky). I couldn't get the glow plugs out cuz all the injector pipes were in the way of my spanner. Caine Chosen The Black Hand Pdf Download here. What do you guys reckon I should do? Maybe pulling the dodgy plug for a look would be the obvious answer. Can you get the head X rayed?