Autocad Civil 3d Line Types Drafting
This month, I figured we need to start at the ground root of AutoCAD, and resolve a recurring issue for many folks and eliminate some phone calls – Let’s Fix your Linetypes for good!! I receive many calls from clients, saying they received a template from some company and they have to do a Metric drawing with it. So they change the units and start to draw, but the linetypes don’t display/work properly. Most clients/users start their AutoCAD drawing from a template. Many users/clients have more than 1 template, depending on the type of work (what field, Arch/Mech other) they are doing. This is all good and proper and that’s the way it should be done. However, which AutoCAD pre-built template you use, to create your custom template is very important, as it will either make your life easier in the long run, or a bit more difficult.
Additional line types have to be loaded using the. When you create a new drawing from the default Autocad template. How to add line types to a new drawing. Welcome to Autodesk’s AutoCAD Civil 3D Forums. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular AutoCAD Civil 3D topics. Autodesk Community >AutoCAD Civil 3D >Civil 3D Forum >Line Types; This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. This is not an official translation.
In the early stages of AutoCAD’s life, it didn’t have any metric linetypes, so you had to create your own. At some point, metric equivalent linetypes (using the same name as the imperial linetypes) were created and stored in a separate file. You can find the Imperial Linetypes in a file called ACAD.LIN and you can find the metric linetypes in a file called ACADISO.LIN So here is the problem, If you created your company standard template using the Imperial AutoCAD template (called acad.dwt), then your drawing is pointing to the Imperial Linetypes and every linetype you load will be an imperial linetype. This is all good, no issues, unless you decide to use the same template to create a Metric Drawing. Now you have a problem because you are pointing to the wrong linetypes.
As most users do, if using a Dashed Linetype in Model space, you would set your LTscale (in model space) to the inverse of your plotting scale (or paper space viewport). So when you plot your drawing, the dashes will come out the proper length, typically.125inches long. But if your dashed linetype is suppose to have a dash that is.125inches long, in a metric drawing that means 3mm (I’m rounding). However, because your template is pointing to the wrong linetype definition file, your dashes will only be.125mm long (not 3mm, as it should be).
This is because the linetypes you have loaded in your template are from the original ACAD.LIN file (the imperial linetypes) and not the ACADISO.LIN (the metric linetypes) and the definition of the linetype is still the original definition. A quick fix to your issue is to set the following variable called: MEASUREINIT to the value of 1 (for Metric, 0 for Imperial) and then re-load your linetypes, making sure that you use (point to) the ACADISO.LIN file. (see below for steps to re-load your linetypes) Once you have re-loaded your linetypes, you will have to do a REGEN to update your model space and have the linetypes displayed properly. Re-loading your linetypes: For this purpose/exercise, we will type the commands in. Of course you can always use the ribbon, toolbars or menu if required (depending on your version of AutoCAD) 1) At the command prompt, type in Linetype, followed by a enter.
2) From the Linetype Manager, pick the LOAD button. 3) In the Load or Reload Linetypes dialog box, note if ACAD.LIN or ACADISO.LIN is displayed. (see image below) 4) If acad.lin is displayed, then select the FILE button, pick the acadiso.lin from the list of files and click on Open (in the bottom right of the window). 5) Back in the Load or Reload Linetypes window, pick/select all the linetypes that you would like to reload and then click on OK. For my example, I’m only selecting the DASHED linetype. 6) When you get the Linetypes – Reload Linetypes warning, you can click on Reload all (or you could reload just one at a time if you want).
7) Back in AutoCAD, type in REGEN at the command prompt. Set your Model Space LTscale properly and you should be done.
Your linetype will display correctly. Next month, we’ll show you how to control your linetypes in Model Space and Paper space and never have to worry about LTscale or PSltscale again.never!!
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