Dark Patch Above Upper Lip
A dry patch on the lip may seem like a minor issue, and compared to something as important as, say,, it is. But that doesn’t mean the topic isn’t worth addressing. A persistent dry patch on the upper lip or dry patch on the lower lip can be a significant annoyance and source of stress, particularly if you are in a situation of heightened self-consciousness like on a date or at a job interview. Fortunately, even if it seems like your dry patch just won’t go away, there are treatments that can help. What Causes a Dry Patch on the Lip?
There are three common reasons behind dry lips: dryness, eczema, or a cold sore. Depending on the environment and behavioral factors, it’s possible for any of these to be present and cause a dry patch on the lip that won’t go away. Dryness The skin of the lips is naturally exposed to both the external environment and the environment inside your mouth.
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This creates a combination of factors that makes some people’s lips more prone to developing dry patches than others. Exposure to cold, wind and strong sunlight can dehydrate and dry out the lips, causing them to crack and become chapped. Alternatively, certain things like breathing through your mouth or routinely licking your lips can hasten their drying out. Certain nutritional deficiencies can also dry out your lips, and dehydration is, of course, another culprit. Eczema on the Lip Eczema, the skin condition that makes certain areas prone to dry, itchy patches, can occur on the lips. In these cases, the dry patch may be located only on certain parts of the lip. This could mean the patch is only on the upper lip, only on the lower lip, or confined to a single splotch.
This last manifestation can be particularly annoying since it results in a dry patch on the lip that feels like the tape is stuck to your face. Cold Sore It’s also possible that the dry patch on your lip is a cold sore or at least the initial signs of one. A cold sore tends to be accompanied by more than just a dry patch, however. The affected area will likely itch, burn, and/or tingle for a day or two before a series of blister spots appear.