Frankenstrat Templates
Software Igo8 Per Autoradio Cinesiterapia. I'm so confused! Usually in real life, away from guitar building, I'm decisive. Tandoori Night Mp3 Download.
But in this case attempting to build a Franky 'replica' has gone around in circles for years! No matter what path I choose, it will upset someone.
So if that's gonna happen, I'm gonna go big!! LOL Capturing the 'exact' guitar is a moving target because Eddie changed this thing so often, it's not just one simple copy. I had this one Alder body that had been refinished three or four times.
Hagstrom Serial Number Book. The last being daphne red, which didn't come out right. You could see the white under the red, the red was uneven and the clear was flat. So I figured I'd strip it down again and make a Frankenstrat. After stripping down the daphne red, white base coat, and primer, here's what was left. There was this cool neck sitting on a shelf. It'll work great for this version of the Frankenstrat. See, it's so easy to make one of these, I don't know why people make such a big deal out of it.