Wow Global Cooldown Hack 3.3.5
Comment by blupache This is the cooldown that starts whenever you cast a spell, preventing you from casting another spell until its finished. Typically it's abbreviated to 'GCD'. Most spells have a 1.5 second GCD, although some classes have a 1 second GCD (i.e. Tony Hawk Proving Ground Download Pc Torrent.
A Deathknight in ). Certain abilities are 'GCD free'. Typically these are abilities specifically designed to be triggered at the same time as second ability, for example on-use trinkets or spells like. The simplest way to tell if a spell is GCD free is to just test it yourself (via a target dummy if necessary) - if you can cast a second spell instantly afterwards it's GCD free, if you need to wait a second or so then it isn't. Haste will lower your GCD, down to a minimum of 1 second.
Comment by Taraezor Surely someone has worked out a way to post a screenshot of this cool spell! (Edit: As of patch 6.2.3 I haven't received a down vote for this attempt at humour. Thank you wowheaders!
At times I think we are a serious lot, sigh.) This generic non-class, non-specialisation and non-race specific spell is perfect for AddOn authors for hassle free monitoring and adjusting of an AddOn's GCD handling. Does get around any problem for lowbie toons with no spells available for testing of the GCD. A player's GCD can dynamically change, especially depending upon the gear being worn, so GCD does need monitoring for anyone wishing to be super accurate in their AddOn/macro. (Edit: As of patch 7.1.5 I have finally been downvoted. Here's a dare: Own up to being a humourless person by replying to this. Comment by ShamanOne Presumably, the GetSpellCooldown() function in the WoW API returns the duration of 'Global Cooldown' (although, in my experience, one should use the spell ID instead of that name).
Recognize that the function returns the current value of the duration of the Global Cooldown. So the function must be called for the Global Cooldown 'spell' immediately after an ability or spell has been used, and before the GCD itself expires.
No-GCD (Global Cool Down) - Wow Hacks and Bots Hacks and Cheats Forum. Mmo-trick: Mmo-Trick: Cheat, exploits, bots wow! Cheat-w0w: Hacks wow 3.3.5 - Cant seem to get the global cooldown to work though.. Downloads: The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.2: The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.3: The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.5: Source-code: I. [Functions (Private)] These. NoCooldown: Remove the global cooldown on Spells (Instant cast and Spell without cooldown only) Walljump: Allow you to hang you on mountains (kind of.
When the GCD has not been triggered by that spell or ability (or it is otherwise not in progress), the current value of its duration is returned as zero. For all practical intents and purposes, the current value of the GCD duration implicitly includes any and all reductions and increases in the value that it would have without any Haste effects, buffs, debuffs, procs, etc., in the context of the ability, spell, or other event that has triggered it.
In other words, any effects of Haste, buffs, debuffs, procs, etc. Have already been applied, just as they have been applied before GetSpellCooldown() obtains the duration of the cooldown for any other spell or ability. Note: in my experience GetSpellCooldown() has always returned the duration as zero or a number greater than zero. Whether it is necessary to do so, it is desirable to check whether the GCD duration is less than 1.0 second (but more than zero) and, if so, set it to 1.0 second, which is the minimum nonzero GCD.
Comment by Taraezor As of Warlords of Draenor (6.2.3) calling GetSpellCooldown(61304) still works. Thank you Blizzard! A couple of interesting comments on this page suggest it is bugged and yet also state why some people think it might be bugged. It is not bugged. It returns valid results just as though you passed any other spell ID. Code: local _,duration= GetSpellCooldown(61304) Your GCD, i.e. Right after casting a spell which triggers the GCD, is 'duration'.