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A couple of years ago I wrote (an article that was later followed by a response from a translation company: ) Another suggestion I think some translators might find useful: 16. If you use obsolete software, don't advertise that. I've just received a message that, among other things, proudly announced that this translator uses as software tools Microsoft Office 2007 suite, Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard, and Trados Studio 2011. • Office 2007 is nine years old, and Microsoft has since released three new version: 2010, 2013, and 2016 (and also Office 365). • Acrobat 9 is eight years old, and also has been superseded by three new versions: 10, 11 e DC (in 2010, 2012, and 2015), • Studio 2011 is five years old, and has been superseded by two new versions: 2014 e 2015.
XBench 1.3: Benchmark the. Buy Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium with a 1-PC license for only $29.99. Quartz Graphics, OpenGL, User Interface and Disk Speed. Checklists are an array of user-defined searches that can be executed on all your translations at a blazing speed. Vengeance Producer Suite Free Download. Download ApSIC Xbench 3.0.1299 FULL Version.
Requires Trados Studio 2014 SP1 or later and ApSIC Xbench 3.0; Download. ApSIC Xbench Add-in for SDL Passolo 2011 / 2016 - Build 5. Requires ApSIC Xbench 3.0.
Recently a major customer of ours changed from using SDL Trados Studio to using MemSource, an online CAT tool. Our customer probably has good reasons for switching to the new tool, but for a translator accustomed to more powerful CAT tools, using MemSource has a downside: many of the functions we have come to rely on are missing. I will probably write more about MemSource in the future. For now a quick workaround if you find yourself having to translate a project in MemSource but would much rather use memoQ instead - for instance, because you find that MemSource lacks some feature you love in memoQ, or more simply because you find that MemSource is slowing you down.
Use Regex Tagger to protect the MemSource tags • Save your configuration (to tag future projects). You are done. Materialise Simplant Pro V11.04 Download Free. You can now translate your MemSource project in memoQ.
At the end export your translation, test it by loading it in the MemSource Desktop editor, and from it upload it to the MemSource cloud server. Bear in mind that if you choose to translate your MemSource projects this way, you won't have access in memoQ to the translation memories and termbases added to the project by your project manager: you'll be working exclusively with the local memories and termbases you have added yourself in memoQ. Weather that is an acceptable solution for you (and for your client) is up to you. I'm working on a large translation project. Legal documents, scanned pdf files, not really suitable for OCR (too many stamps, signatures and handwritten text).