Ck2 Save File Editing Software
A brand new save file, Spring 1, 1st year, maybe two minutes in. (Provided) The name of the character was my friend's idea.. Preferably (but not required) an earlier working version of your corrupted one. If the save file you're trying to recover is quite developed, eg. Completed community center, mostly completed museum, etc. You would better off using a similar working save that has also progressed to that point. (Provided, thanks to ) Depending on which end of the spectrum you are determines which save file would be easiest for you to adapt into your broken save.
Of course it is almost always the most preferable to use an earlier working version of your own save file. You will also need to know the location of your save file. Search for “%appdata%” without the quotes on your computer. Then from there go to: Roaming-->Stardew Valley-->Saves-->The folder with your character's name on it followed by some numbers contains the save file, which has the same name as the folder.
Editing Save Files (self.CrusaderKings) submitted 3 years ago by thegrimreaper139. What kind of program will open the new.ck2 files? Why are only some savegames compressed? You can also create compressed save files on the command line. That seem to confuse Crusader Kings 2.
Right click your save file. Open with Notepad++. You will see a huge mess that is your save file. The XML plugin comes into play here. Within Notepad++, on the top, click: Plugins-->XML tools-->Pretty print (XML only – with line breaks) Wait a few seconds. This will organize the text so it is much easier to manage. Invalid Inconsistent License Key Solidworks 2016.
It should now look something like this. ^By doing this you can quickly compact your massive save file into just a few lines, allowing you to skip sections you know are okay and complete.
Now that you know these things. I run into three different save file problems.
Let's look at case one: Someone altered their save file and screwed up the XML formatting. This player wanted to edit his save file, allowing him to purchase the mermaid pendant again after losing it. The instructions from Concerned Ape stated to go within your save file and find: 460 and delete it. To find it yourself, type Ctrl+F and type in “460” without the quotes. CA did not explicitly say this, but you have to delete both instances of 460.
This player did not do this. This player deleted the entire special items section, going from this. This is why it is beneficial to have a previous working save of your broken file, so that you can revert the save to its original state as closely as possible. Test to see if there are any errors by going to Plugins-->XML tools-->Check XML syntax now If you get “No error detected” congrats. If not, keep trying using the methods I have discussed.
Once again, do not post here with your broken saves. Make another thread for that.
It is important to note that every case is different. From my experience an incomplete save file is only missing the sections that are towards the last 10-30% of the save file. Some areas to be aware of that are within the last areas of a save file include: (Use Ctrl+F when looking for these in the save file) The data, which is a tier below the location section.